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Khanyisa High School

Deputy Principal’s ( Academics) Message

Khanyisa High School is a school which has developed to great heights within a short period of time. The school was founded in 1994 and has since been in the spot light for academic excellence. In the quest to maintain good results, many school resort to sifting learners on admission so as to get only the best. Khanyisa High School is different. It is a school where learners are not admitted on merit but on a first come first serve basis. The idea is to give a second chance to all children considering that in some cases, they are not even solely responsible for poor performance but are adversely affected by the environment they live in and grow up in. Usually, with proper guidance and the availability of resources, many learners are able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. That is a success story.The reason why schools exist is to , in my opinion, educate children to be the best they can be. This is an addition to the examinations which they write to test their academic knowledge. As a result of thepositive contribution the school gives to the society, numbers have been increasing up to an enrolment of over 1300.

When learners join the school in grade 8 or 10, there is often a huge struggle with the Mathematics pass rate. Mathematics is a critical subject.It is usually low and that brings us to dispute with parents. Due to dedication and the hard work of teachers, the same learners who struggle at entry points usually exit with much better marks in grade 12. This achievement is credited to all teachers who work tirelessly in trying to improve the results of the school by conducting extra classes, sacrificing their time without expecting any monetary reward. To all teachers of Khanyisa High School, I salute you with greatest humility for your endless efforts in keeping the name of the school up, you are our heroes. Now, having mastered the art of making it academically, I am even more proud to mention the balance that the school has created in the past few years between academics and the extra mural activities. The school has made and is still making waves in sports like rugby.It has also developed a great zeal in debating and expos among learners which see them winning and thus participating up to the national levels. We have, as the school, grown to understand that not all children are going to make it in the academic world. Other learners are to venture into sports, arts, entertainment etc. We have embraced the concept of an inclusive education which promotes excellence in all aspects, exposing and nurturing talents of the learners.

There is,however, a challenge that our youth need us to assist them with. The understanding of hard work at an early age so as to get the culture into the system, chasing of dreams against all odds and doing away with abusing substances which derail their progress. We need to educate them to think big and out of the box. Many great people started small and some of them are from ordinary backgrounds like all of us. The difference is when you refuse to be ordinary and strive to be extraordinary.

Let me conclude by reminding the youth of one of Nelson Mandela’s quotes which reads as follows: “A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination but when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special.”

To our youth, we look up to you to build our nation and to be advocates of reconciliation, education is a tool that has the power to develop skills we need for our envisaged future. Children of the African soil, I salute you all!

Ms A. N. Lawana

Deputy Principal – Academics